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Meet Our New Product Marketing Manager: James Spindler

Jun 25, 2022 | Careers, Inside Operance, Team

We would like to welcome our new Product Marketing Manager, James Spindler, to the Operance family! James joined the business a few months ago and is already making an impact. Working closely with our Chief Product Officer and marketing department, James is here to ensure that our OM software continues to provide value to the community.

We interviewed James about his induction period, have a read below!

How have you found your first few weeks at Operance?

I have enjoyed every second of the journey so far. I have an amazing group of colleagues, and together, we are shaping the future of Operance’s sales and marketing.

What’s your background, and how did this lead to working with Operance?

I have a broad background in IT/Marketing and originally started my career as a first and second line support analyst for Hewlett Packard. I realised that I wanted to do more and express myself in other areas, which lead to my career in marketing.

I have had the pleasure of working in a multitude of industries, ranging from hospitality to finance. I have also had a few start-up businesses that allowed me to get a true grasp of business as a whole, which I feel was an invaluable experience. I have decided that I want to focus on real estate related industries that bring true product value to the market. This is where I discovered Operance and the incredibly valuable services that are available, ranging from BIM to digitised O&M solutions.

What was it that drew you to the role?

It was the business, branding and product. Operance’s business morals align with perfectly my own, which makes it a great business to be a part of. Additionally, the product brings true value to the market which I feel is imperative to a long term successful business strategy.

Product marketing is a vital area of marketing as it connects the brand to its customers, shaping the product behind their feedback.

What are you most looking forward to about working at Operance?

I am mainly looking forward to leaving my mark and watching the business and brand grow long term. I believe that Operance will continue to be the leading provider of digitised O&M services as the industry matures.

Furthermore, I am looking forward to seeing the Golden Thread legislation come into fruition so that we can guarantee safer buildings and properties for everyone.

What Does the Product Marketing Role entail?

That is a good question! Product marketing splits into multiple areas depending on where there is a disconnect between the user and the product itself. This disconnect might be part of the customer journey or when using the product for the first time as a brand new user; both are important when ensuring we provide value to the industry and market our product correctly.

Furthermore, moving away from the product and focussing more on the marketing element. I am here to align the audience with the product and generate demand through the inbound routes that we are using. I work closely with our Inbound Marketing Manager and Sales Department; to ensure that these routes align with our audience as best we can and deliver the correct message.

How do you plan to make an impact on the product, our users and our business?

In my opinion, the best way of making an impact is by putting myself into the user’s shoes and experiencing the same journey as they do. I am working closely with the Chief Product Officer and Development Team; to evolve our platform and shape it around the pre and post-occupation stages of a building’s cycle. This development includes areas of extreme importance, such as developing high-standard golden thread features and ensuring we are making the best use of the Building Fire and Safety Acts for everyone.

The building industry is continually evolving, and we plan to continue developing our product with it. You can expect multiple product phases as we continue to shape our platform around the user and the industries need. I plan to help Operance continue to be a thought-leader and product leader in this industry, so that we can do our part in maintaining propper building safety standards for everyone.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

Where do I start!?…

I collect Pokemon cards, nostalgia related items and digital assets! I also love to play games, experience nature and watch eSports, which is a rapidly growing online industry. After spending many years behind PC screens, I love to go on walks, spend time outside and load up on vitamin D outside of the UK.

I have a genuine interest in learning, so also enjoy watching documentaries and reading books. Knowledge is power, and I believe that!

In Summary

That concludes our interview with James! We would like to once again wish him a warm welcome to the business. We look forward to working with him on a long-term basis and are excited to see what the future brings with him onboard.

…Operance is growing rapidly so keep an eye out for our next new starter article! smile 


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