AI for Asset Detection

Feb 8, 2020 | Beta Testing

Key Insight
Operance predicts the future…and your assets

Operance invites you to test and help develop our latest innovation:

Artificially Intelligent Asset Detection

Artificial Intelligence (AI)
(noun) The theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages.

Want to know more about your assets, but don’t have the necessary information?

Whether your information is lost, never provided or simply incorrect; we are working on a groundbreaking solution to solve this very problem via the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI). At Operance we believe in continually investing in the future through innovation and this project is certainly no different.

We also want to help end-users using Operance to search, share, update and utilise their BIM data to continuosly grow and organise their asset register, through the use of Uniclass Classifications. Our AI tool not only detects and estimates what your asset is, it also auto-classifies it too!

The Concept: is simple, a user can already open up our AI tool, point their phone at an asset and take a picture of it. The tool then analyses the asset and provides a possible match, within a millisecond!

The Vision: is much harder, once we have established what the asset is, we then want to find a way of providing all the information available about your assets particular make and model.

We’ve still some way to go, but we are really pleased with our progress so far in such a relatively short space of time. Why not have a go yourself?

3rd Big Promise / Practial Content

Take your first AI step today

To test our AI tool, simply click the above button or visit on your mobile device and follow these steps;

  1. Once the web page has opened, click on ‘Select image’.
  2. Now either take a new photo of an asset in front you or choose an image from your photo library.
  3. Once the image has been uploaded, click ‘Analyse’.
  4. You should now have an estimate asset classification and confirdence %. Now click either ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to tell us if we got it correct.

This last step is really important for us in order to build up our Machine Learning (ML) capability. The more we get right, the stronger the database will be.

Should your result not be what you expected, simply re-analyse the image, or take another, more focussed and central image of your asset and try again.

Together we can reinvent the future of asset information!

We now need your help to complete it. Simply click the link above, point your phone at an asset (boilers, light switches, radiators etc) and shoot. Within a millisecond we’ll estimate what the asset is, providing a probability rating.

It’s not perfect, it’s still in very much in design and development, but each time you test it, the database grows and becomes more reliable and informative.

Hopefully, with your help, we will one day be able to provide you with manufacturer details, specifications, warranties and more!

Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Wikipedia

12 Examples of Artificial Intelligence – Datamation

Machine Learning (ML) – Wikipedia

Uniclass Classification – NBS


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