by | 12, May 2023 | Case studies, Industry, Users
Resources Operance: Simplifying Building Handover and Ensuring Safety Intro In the construction industry, building handover is a critical process that requires the transfer of comprehensive information about the building from the contractor to the owner or operator....
by | 14, Apr 2023 | Case studies, Industry, Users
Resources The Journey to Safer Buildings & The Golden Thread: User Group Knowledge Transfer Case Study Intro This case study outlines how six organisations have come together to form a knowledge sharing group as they tackle the challenge of high risk building...
by Scott Pilgrim | 24, Feb 2020 | Beta Testing, New Feature, Product, Users
Resources Multi-Search Types All your building information in your pocket! Search beyond assets with information about your building, floors and spaces now available. In addition to your assets, you can now search for information relevant to your actual buildings,...
by Scott Pilgrim | 8, Feb 2020 | Beta Testing, Users
Resources Users: We Need More Beta Testers! We still need you! Now have a solid minimum viable product (MVP) to build from, we’re speeding up the development of new features to increase the functionality of our app and your O&M information! Our focus is now...