CPO Scott Pilgrim named in ’42 under 42′

Mar 3, 2021 | Awards, Careers, News

We’re pleased to announce that our Chief Product Officer, Scott Pilgrim has been named on this year’s 42 Under 42 list, compiled by the Yorkshire Business Insider magazine. 42 Under 42 represents 42 entrepreneurs and business leaders under the age of 42 who the magazine is tipping as the rising stars of the business world. They produce the shortlist for various regions and Scott has been included in the class of 2021, as announced in the magazine on 4th February.

Scott’s entry in the list states the following:

“Operance organises building information in order to create safer, more efficient environments. It helps large estates clients to define, curate, coordinate and utilise their digital building informaiton with web-based infomraiton coordination platform and mobile-app based building and home user guides. As cheief product officer, former bricklayer Scott Pilgrim says he acts as mini-CEO’ and ‘Defender of the Customer’. When Covid-19 struck,he says the directors had a choice: fight or flight. So they revisited their business plan and got £250,000 venture capital investment.

Fun fact: Scott was once rescued by a Norwegian army trained husky while attempting to climb a mountain, 300 miles North of the Arctic Circle.

Now aged 41, Scott made it onto the 42 Under 42 list in the nick of time! Scott said of the achievement

“Our plan a year ago was to go for it and seek funding to help us complete our minimum viable product (MVP) and get to market in the shortest timeframe possible. It was a brave decision to take by the board and I applaud my co-founders Ian Yeo and Tim Mutlow for making it happen.

Thankfully it worked out and not only did we secure cash to realise our MVP ambitions, but we managed to secure the support of a new chairman in Nigel Hedley, experienced SaaS finance director John Corker and great investment partners in Mercia Asset Management, with Simon Crabtree and Maurice Disasi providing further experience and guidance.

We were also able to attract the best possible software development, digital transformation and enterprise sales talent, with more additions to the team starting next month.

Me being named on the ’42 Under 42′ list for 2021 is a great honour, but I just happen to be the one they picked on! I happily and very proudly accept it on behalf of our brilliant team and our support partners from the C4DI community that have helped us so far.”

Left to Right: CEO Ian Yeo, CPO Scott Pilgrim, CTO Tim Mutlow.

Other entrepreneurs on the list include a family friend of Scott’s, Adam Murray 38, managing director of Urbana Town Planning, another business with a passion for the built environment, based in Sheffield.

Industry leading solutions

Based at Hull’s Centre for Digital Innovation (C4DI) tech hub, Operance delivers strategic digital transformation and BIM coordination services as well as developing innovative technology products to enable high-quality digital building information for property owners, developers, contractors and end users.

To speak to one of the team for more information, call 0800 464 3316.

It’s free to upload your own BIM models and helps operatives access, search, share edit and update their information, utilising it for simple planned and preventative maintenance:

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